Current Affairs daily September 12, 2021

PM Modi announces the setting of Chair at BHU in honour of Tamil poet Subramania Bharati-Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the setting up of chair in memory of Tamil poet Subramania Bharati at Banaras Hindu University (BHU) for Tamil studies. The Chair will be established in the faculty of arts at the BHU.

UP govt declares 22 wards in Mathura as ‘pilgrimage sites’- “The Uttar Pradesh government declared 10 sq km area under Mathura Nagar Nigam a teerthsthal (pilgrimage spot). The area comprises 22 municipal wards of the municipality. This automatically means that meat and liquor cannot be sold in the area,” Navneet Sehgal, additional chief secretary, information department, Uttar Pradesh was quoted as saying. Seven other areas in Mathura linked to the life of Lord Krishna and his consort Radha, have already been declared pilgrimage sites by the Yogi Adityanath regime. These include Vrindavan, Gokul, Barsana, Nandgaon, Goverdhan, Baldev and Radhakund.

Tamil Nadu Governor appointed- R. N. Ravi (former Nagaland governor) has been appointed as the Governor of Tamil Nadu.

Launched The Earth observation satellite Gaofen-5 02,-China successfully launched a new Earth observation satellite Gaofen-5 02, into space aboard a Long March-4C rocket from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Centre in north China’s Shanxi Province.

The world’s largest plant to capture CO2 from Air-The world’s largest plant designed to capture carbon dioxide out of the air began its operations in Iceland.

The Theme of Himalayan Day 2021-The theme of Himalayan Day 2021 is ‘Contribution of Himalayas and our responsibilities’.

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