Current Affairs daily- August 13, 2021

Cleancity App launch- The Cleancity app launched by North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) launched the “Cleancity app”.It was launched by Delhi Mayor Raja Iqbal Singh. This app aims to help residents to register online complaints about picking up garbage in that area.

SonChiraiya launched-The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) launched ‘SonChiraiya’, an initiative for the marketing of urban Self-Help Group (SHG) products. The initiative will help women from urban poor households get into self-help groups and their federations, to create a support system for them. MoHUA has also entered into a Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) with e-commerce giants Amazon and Flipkart, with the purpose of women empowerment.

Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Antyodaya Yojana (DAY-NULM), which comes under the purview of MoHUA, has been focusing on equipping the urban poor women with adequate skills and opportunities to enable them to promote sustainable micro-enterprises.

APEDA exported unique Apples- In direction of promoting agricultural and processed food products exports to newer destinations, Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (Apeda) in collaboration with Himachal Pradesh Horticultural Produce Marketing and Processing Corporation Ltd (HPMC) exported their first consignment of five unique varieties of apples—Royal Delicious, Dark Baron Gala, Scarlet Spur, Red Velox and Golden Delicious to Bahrain.

ISRO mission failed- ISRO’s GSLV-F10 rocket EOS-03 failed due to failure to ignite the Cryogenic stage of the launch vehicle. EOS-03 satellite was the country’s latest earth observation satellite.

IISC’ new research on antibiotics- Researchers of the Indian Institute of Science(IISC) have found a way to block bacteria from flushing out antibiotics. This research will definitely help in making the existing drugs more effective against drug-resistant bacteria or superbugs.

First Toy train in A.P.-The Toy train starts in the Twang tourist spot, situated in western Arunachal Pradesh and around 448 km from the capital Itanagar. This toy train will build by the Northern Frontier Railway(NFR) in the picturesque hilltop town of Twang, home of the world’s biggest Buddhist monastery outside Tibet.

Pak successfully tested Ghaznavi-Pakistan successfully test-fired a nuclear-capable surface to surface ballistic missile Ghaznavi, which can strike targets up to 290 kilometres.

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