Insurance MCQ Daily-01

Q-11- As per the Insurance Act, every insurer has to prepare at the end of financial year

  1. Balance Sheet
  2. Profit and Loss Account
  3. Revenue Account for each class of Insurance business
  4. Accounts of receipts and payments in respect of share-holders’ funds
  5. All of the above

Option-5 Every insurer has to prepare all above at the end of financial year.

Q-12-The Third Party Administrator’s(TPA) role mainly involves

  1. Sending renewal notices
  2. Arranging for reinsurance
  3. Canvassing business for the insurer
  4. Checking and paying insurance claims
  5. Issuing documents on behalf of the insurer

Option-4 TPA main role is to checking and paying claims.

Q-13-The Third Party Administrator’s(TPA) Provides which facility for claims?

  1. Cashless
  2. Reimbursement
  3. Both above
  4. None above

Option-3 TPA on behalf of Insurance company provides Cashless or Reimbursement facility.

Q-14- Can a single Hospitalization, claim from two mediclaim policy?

  1. No
  2. Yes
  3. Depends on Insurer
  4. None of above

Option-2 Single Hospitalization calim can be claimed under two mediclaim policies, subjected to principle of contribution by each insurer.

  1. Fire insurance
  2. Hull Insurance
  3. Motor vehicles insurance
  4. Personal Accident insurance
  5. Workmen’s Compensation insurance

Option-2 Time policies are related with Hull policies under Marine Insurance Act 1963.

Q-16- Which clause specifies the perils insured in a scheduled form of policy?

  1. Recital Clause
  2. Preamble Clause
  3. Operative Clause
  4. Attestation Clause
  5. Consideration Clause

Option-3 Insured peril details are mentioned in operative clause of policy.

Q-17- Which of the following types of insurance is mandatory?

  1. Product Liability
  2. Professional Liability
  3. Motor Own Damage
  4. Personal Accident Insurance
  5. Motor Third Party Legal Liability

Option-5 Motor Policy Third party legal liability is mandatory in India.

Q-18-The minimum paid up capital required for a General Insurance Company is Rs. _______

  1. 25 crores
  2. 50 crores
  3. 75 crores
  4. 100 crores
  5. 200 crores

Option-4 For any General insurance company minimum paid up capital requirement is 100 cr.

Q-19-In ‘Hit and Run’ cases, claims are settled from ___________

  1. Solatium Fund
  2. Motor Third Party Pool
  3. IRDA’s contingency Fund
  4. State Government’s funds
  5. Insuring Company’s reserves

Option-1 Solatium Fund.

Q-20- The full form of FPA as used in insurance

  1. Fire Perils Added
  2. Fixed Peripherals Added
  3. Freight Payable Assured
  4. Free of Particular Average

Option-4 Free of Particular Average

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