Insurance MCQ Daily-04

Q-11- Risk Management process includes ___________

  1. Risk Control
  2. Risk Analysis
  3. Risk Reduction
  4. Risk Analysis and Control

Option-3 Risk Management process includes Risk Analysis and Control.

Q-12- In India Bancassurance started in _______

  1. 2000
  2. 2001
  3. 2002
  4. 2003

Option-3 In India Bancassurance started in 2002.

Q-13- Pure Risk is group of ______

  1. Liability risk
  2. Property Risk
  3. Personal Risk
  4. All the above

Option-4 Pure risk is group of all above risks.

Q-14- The risk which has the outcomes with probability of gain is called as

  1. Pure
  2. Static
  3. Dynamic
  4. Speculative

Option-4 Speculative risk have probability of Gain or lose.

Q-15- Risk retention means ________

  1. Insuring the risk
  2. Saving money to pay for the losses
  3. Not taking up any activity which is risky
  4. Accepting and agreeing to sustain financial loss itself

Option-4 Risk retention means Accepting and agreeing to sustain financial loss itself.

Q-16- Which of the following is the last step in the risk management process?

  1. Review
  2. Insurance
  3. Risk evaluation
  4. Loss prevention


Q-17- The first step in risk management process is __________

  1. Insurance
  2. Risk evaluation
  3. Risk avoidance
  4. Risk identification

Option-4Risk identification is the first step in the risk management process.

Q-18- Insurance contract is a type of contract which is approved by _______

  1. Indian Factory Act
  2. Indian Companies Act
  3. The Indian finance Act
  4. The Indian Contract Act

Option-4 The Indian Contract Act

Q-19- A person employed to do any act for another or to represent another in dealing with a third person refers as _________

  1. Agent
  2. Principal
  3. Employee
  4. Development Officer

Option-1 Agent

Q-20- ___________ are those terms, which are implied in every contract of Marine insurance unless they are expressly excluded.

  1. Guarantee
  2. Waiver Clause
  3. Express Warranties
  4. Implied Warranties

Option-4 Implied Warranties are those terms, which are implied in every contract of Marine insurance unless they are expressly excluded.

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