Insurance MCQ Daily-10

Q-1- A person who get benefits as per a policy contract is known as

  1. Assurer
  2. Annuitant
  3. Beneficiary
  4. None

Option-3 A person who get policy benefit is known as Beneficiary.

Q-2- The purpose of ________is to hold the negligent party responsible for the loss and prevent the insured from collecting twice for the same loss.

  1. indemnity
  2. subrogation
  3. uberrima fides
  4. causa Proxima

Option-2 Subrogation prevents insured to take twice advantage of same loss and held responsible for negligent party.

Q-3- As per principle of _________, the cause of loss must be direct and an insured must be affected by that cause of loss in order to claim for compensation.

  1. indemnity
  2. subrogation
  3. causa proxima
  4. uberrima fides

Option-3 As per Principle of causa proxima, the loss must be direct and insured must be affected by that loss.

Q-4- The period for which an insurance policy provides coverage is known as

  1. Policy loan
  2. Policy term
  3. Policy mode
  4. None

Option-2 The period for which an insurance policy provides coverage is known as Policy term or Policy Period.

Q-5- Which was the first Insurance contract, entered into by European maritime nations in 1347 to accept insurance as a practice.

  1. Life
  2. Fire
  3. Vehicle
  4. Marine

Option-4 Marine Insurance is known as the oldest and first Insurance contract.

Q-6- The premium which remains unchanged through out the life of a policy is known as

  1. Level premium
  2. Gross premium
  3. Total premium
  4. Average premium

Option-1 Level Premium remains unchanged through out the life of a policy.

Q-7-First Fire Insurance company by Dr.Nicholas Barbon was set up in 1667, known as

  1. the fire office
  2. the fire company
  3. Nicolas company
  4. fire insurance company

Option-1 Aftermath of the Great Fire of London in September 1666, Dr. Nicholas Barbon set up “Insurance Office for Houses on the Back-Side of the Royal Exchange” in 1667, Known as “the Fire Office” (also known as “the Phoenix”)

Q-8- What was the First Fire Insurance company by Charles Povey was set up in 1710, known as ?

  1. the Sun
  2. Povey Insurance
  3. Charles Povey Insurance
  4. None of these

Option-1 1710 Charles Povey formed ‘the Sun’, the oldest insurance company in existence which still conducts business in its own name. It is the forerunner of the Royal & Sun Alliance Group.

Q-9- The oldest life insurance company that exists today is the society for the equitable assurance of lives and survivorship is also known as _________

  1. Old equitable
  2. Equitable insurance
  3. society for insurance
  4. none of these.

Option-1 Old Equitable

Q-10- Premium, which a policyholder pay towards any policy is known as

  1. Avg. premium
  2. Gross premium
  3. Partial premium
  4. All of these

Option-2 Gross Premium is known as policy premium.

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