Insurance MCQ Daily-10

Q-11- Jacob Bernoulli discovered the ________________

a. law of insurance
b. law of large numbers
c. law of modern insurance
d. none of these

Option-1 The Law of large number was discovered by ‘Jacob Bernoulli’.

Q-12- In LIC logo,below the sanskrit term ‘Yogakshemam Vahamyaham’ is derived from which Hindu epic?

  1. Rigveda
  2. Samveda
  3. Yajurveda
  4. The Bhagwat Gita

Option-4 The Sanskrit sentence written below the logo is “योगक्षेमं वहाम्यहम्” (Yogakshemam Vahamyaham) which is derived from Bhagavadgita (22nd Verse of 9th Chapter).

Q-13- The__________company was the first insurance company to be set up in India to cater the needs of the European community.

  1. Bajaj insurance
  2. National insurance company
  3. Oriental Life Insurance Company
  4. Life insurance corporation of India

Option-3 Oriental Life Insurance Company is the first insurance company set up in India in 1818.

Q-14- The Oriental Life Insurance Company set up in 1818 by

  1. Anita Bhavsar
  2. Anala Banerjee
  3. Anju Mohapatra
  4. Animesh Supriyo

Option-1 The Oriental Life Insurance Company is set up in 1818 in Kolkata by Anita Bhavsar.

Q-15- Which is the first comprehensive legislation enacted for both life and non-life branches of Insurance in India.

a. Insurance Act-1938
b. Insurance Act-1939
c. Insurance Act-1940
d. Insurance Act-1941

Option-1 The Insurance Act,1938 for both life and non-life branches in India.

Q-16- The expanded form of IRDAI is

  1. Insurance Regulatory and Department Activity of India
  2. Insurance Regulatory and Development Activity of India
  3. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
  4. Insurance Reconstruction and Development Activity of India

Option-2 The expanded form of IRDAI is ‘Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India’

Q-17- The _______________, has allowed cooperative societies to carry on insurance business.

  1. Insurance (amendment)Act,2000
  2. Insurance (amendment)Act,2001
  3. Insurance (amendment)Act,2002
  4. Insurance (amendment)Act,2003

Option-3 The Insurance(amendment) Act 20002 has allowed cooperative societies to carry on Insurance Business.

Q-18- Fire during any transit will be covered under ________ policy.

  1. Excess policy
  2. All risk policy
  3. Marine policy
  4. Floating policy

Option-3 All transit risks during journey will be covered under Marine Policy.

Q-19- An insurance policy will be valid only if ________ is paid

  1. Policy
  2. Premium
  3. Document
  4. None

Option-2 As per 64 VB of The Insurance Act, 1938 required advance premium payment for start any coverage under insurance.

Q-20- ______ are extra benefits under the policy

  1. Riders
  2. Loans
  3. both (a) and (b)
  4. None

Option-1 Riders are extra benefits under the policy.

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