Insurance Questions Daily-30

Q-11- A warranty provides coverage for their _________.

  1. risk
  2. peril
  3. hazard
  4. product

Option-1 A warranty provides coverage for their risks.

Q-12- Captive insurance company is the insurance subdiary of ___________

  1. government insurance company
  2. non government insurance company
  3. parent company
  4. government insurance company

Option-3 Financial management is an important managerial function conerned with planning and controlling financial resources of an enterprise with a view to maximise returns.

Q-13- From below which is the objective of captive insurance

  1. reserving for future liabilites
  2. reducing cost of insurance of parent company
  3. providing coverage for risks that are difficult to place
  4. all of above

Option-4 All above are the objetives of captive Insurance.

Q-14- Using AI can help insurance companies spot abnormalities in claims data and identify false information that customers use to get a lower premium or bigger claim payout.

  1. this statement is true
  2. this statement is false
  3. true only in case of Deep Learning
  4. true only in case of Machine Learning

Option-1 It is a true statement.

Q-15- Generally, who take hull Insurance

  1. Ship owners/builders
  2. Ship Financers/Banks
  3. Ship Breakers/Repairers
  4. All above

Option-4 All above take Hull Insurance for their respective rights.

Q-16- Ocean going Vessels can be divided into all below EXCEPT

  1. Dry Bulk Carriers
  2. Passenger Vessels
  3. Tankers-VLCCs/ULCCs
  4. Barges, Launches/Boats

Option-4Barges, Launches/Boats are the example of Sundry vessels.

Q-17- Linear vessels are

  1. loads on advertised berth
  2. runs usually on fixed route
  3. runs to advertised schedule
  4. can be change route as per owner’s trade

Option-4 Linear vessels runs on fixed routes ONLY.

Q-18- Tramp service have good risk in comparision to Linear which have bad risk

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Linear service require special underwriting due to bad risk
  4. none of above

Option-2 False, Lenear service have good risk in comparision to Tramp service having bad risk.

Q-19- what are these terms in marine: Panamax, Suezmax, Capesize

  1. ship sizes
  2. name of ships
  3. name of canals
  4. name of countries

Option-3 All these are Ship sizes.

Q-20- The insured is known as ________

  1. the first party
  2. the second party
  3. the third party
  4. the fourth party

Option-1 The insured is known as the first party.

These Insurance GK questions are based on Machine learning, Captive insurance, insurance current affairs and in form of Insurance quiz and answers.

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