Insurance Questions Daily-34

Q-11- Risk Theory is the ___________

  1. a Mathematical model
  2. documents available of risk analysis
  3. model made on the basis of logical expressions
  4. theory developed on the basis of hypothecations

Option-1 Risk Theory is the Mathematical models to quantify objective risk.

Q-12- Risk Theory applies to Risk Management in two areas of applications

  1. Finance & Statistics
  2. Marketing & Finance
  3. Marketing & Statistics
  4. Information Technology & Finance

Option-1 Risk Theory applies to Risk Management in two areas of applications i.e. Finance & Statistics.

Q-13- Total Loss reserve consists of

  1. Case reserves assigned to specific claims
  2. A provision for claims that reopen after they have been closed
  3. A provision for claims that have been reported but have not yet been submitted
  4. All of above

Option-4 Total Loss reserve consists provision of all of above reserves.

Q-14- A Loss reserve can be divided into

  1. known claims
  2. unnown claims
  3. both above
  4. none of above

Option-3 A Loss reserve can be divided into Known claims & Unknown claims.

Q-15- IBNR Means

  1. Insured but not rated
  2. Insured but not reported
  3. Incurred but not reported
  4. Interruption of business not reported

Option-1 IBNR refers to claims that have been incurred but not reported to insurer.

Q-16- What is Report date?

  1. the date on which loss occured
  2. the date on which claim recorded in books
  3. the date on which claim reported to Insurer
  4. the date on which claim reported to Insured

Option-3 Report date is the date on which claim first reported to the Insurer.

Q-17- What is Valuation Date?

  1. the date on which the loss is evaluated
  2. the date on which the loss liability estimate is made
  3. the date on which the loss liability evaluation is made
  4. the date on which the loss liability evaluation is decided

Option-3 Valuation date refers to the date on which the loss liability evaluation is made.

Q-18- Required Loss reserve is

  1. is the reserve created in books of Insurer
  2. is the reserve created in books of Insured
  3. is the amount that must ultimately be paid to settle all claims
  4. is the approx. amount that is equired to maintained always for unexpected risk all time

Option-3 required Loss reserve is the amount that must ultimately be paid to settle all claims.

Q-19- Revival of Policy means

  1. revival of policy by assigning to some other person
  2. revival of policy by extending premium payment term
  3. restoration of discontinued policy due to non-payment of premium
  4. restotation of policy by adding more features by payment of extra premium

Option-3 Revival of policy means restoration of discontinued policy due to non-payment of premium.

Q-20- What is Premium allocation charge?

  1. a percentage of premium invested to less risky fund
  2. a percentage of charge levied at time of premium receipt
  3. a percentage of premium levied on each premium received
  4. a percentage of premium charged towards donation to community development services

Option-2 Premium allocation charge is a percentage of charge levied at time of premium receipt.

These Insurance GK questions are based on various new terms under different policies in form of Insurance quiz and answers.

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