Insurance Questions Daily-38

Q-11- Due to High administrative cost in ________ reinsurance, it is replaced by ________ reinsurance.

  1. Facultative, Treaty
  2. Treaty, Facultative
  3. Quota Share, Facultative
  4. facultative, Excess of loss

Option-1 Due to High administrative cost in facultative reinsurance, it is replaced by treaty reinsurance.

Q-12- Facultative reinsurance is widely used due to

  1. to reduce the insurer’s liability in a certain area
  2. reduce liability to traty reinsurers on certain risks
  3. to obtain the reinsurer’s advice on doubdtful risks
  4. All of above

Option-4 Facultative reinsurance is widely used due to all of above advantages.

Q-13- Which of the following is correct with resppect to facultative reinsurance?

  1. Ceding reinsurer has the option to cede in facultative reinsurance
  2. Reinsurer does not have the option to accept facultative reinsurance
  3. Reinsurer does not have the option to decline risk of insurance company
  4. Ceding insurer does not have the option to cede in facultative reinsurance

Option-1 Under Facultative reinsurance Ceding reinsurer has the option to cede in facultative reinsurance.

Q-14- Employee Deposit Lined Insurance Scheme(EDLI) act applies on

  1. Any organisation that has more than 10 employees. 
  2. Any organisation that has more than 15 employees. 
  3. Any organisation that has more than 20 employees. 
  4. Any organisation that has more than 25 employees. 

Option-3 Any organisation that has more than 20 employees needs to register for EPF. Therefore, any employee who has an EPF account automatically becomes eligible for the EDLI scheme.

Q-15- The most common method used to estimate ultimate loss levels consists of claim history tracking is known as

  1. Triangular Method
  2. Roller Skating Rink Retention Group Rating Method
  3. Workers Compensation Pool Experince Rating Plan
  4. Insurance Servises Office(ISO) Commercial General Liability Experience and Schedule Rating Plan

Option-1 The most common method used to estimate ultimate loss levels consists of claim history tracking is known as Triangular Method. 

Q-16- In order to rate the Insurance cover, the Insurer has to understand

  1. The total value of property exposed to such loss
  2. The possibility of or likelihood of loss causing event
  3. The theory of Probability and Operation of the law of large numbers.
  4. All above

Option-4 TO rate Insurance cover, insurer has to understand all above.

Q-17- What is ‘Attestation Clause’?

  1. Authorising by a Notary or court
  2. Authorising by a certified Health Practitioner
  3. Authorising policy by the employer of policyholder
  4. Authorising the policy by the signature of the insurer

Option-4 Attestation Clause refer to Authorising the policy by the signature of the insurer.

Q-18- Choosing an Insurer should be based on below factors EXCEPT

  1. Stability of Insurer
  2. Claim settlement ratio
  3. Market recognize Brand logo
  4. Market share in comparision to its competitors

Option-3 Market recognized Brand Logo doesn’t indicate any stability, service guarantee or feedback about any Insurer.

Q-19- Choosing a Reinsurer should be based on below factors EXCEPT

  1. Claim handling ability
  2. Underwriting capabilities
  3. Financial security & value
  4. country of origin of Reinsurer

Option-4 Country of Origin does not have any selection criteria of any Reinsurer.

Q-20- The Formula to calculate ‘Severity’ is

  1. S=L/C
  2. S=LxC
  3. S=L+C
  4. S=L-C

Option-1 Severity is calculated as Losses divided by Claim count.

These Insurance GK questions are based on Reinsurance and Insurance development in form of an Insurance quiz and answers.

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