Insurance Questions Daily-45

Insurance Questions daily proved very useful to all Insurance aspirants or insurance savvy who regularly seek insurance knowledge.   

These 20 Insurance GK MCQs are all about Life and about the general insurance sector.

Questions related Risk Management and its applicability in present industry, accounting terminology etc. on Insurance GK.

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Q-1- The phrase ‘Esprit-de-Corps’ emphasizes ______________

  1. Morale
  2. Harmony
  3. Team Spirit
  4. All of above

Option-4 The phrase ‘Esprit-de-Corps’ or ‘Union is Strength’ emphasizes the need for Team Spirit, Morale and Harmony.

Q-2- ‘Journal’ is also known as _____________

  1. Ledger
  2. Day book
  3. Cash Book
  4. The account

Option-3 ‘Journal’ is also known as Day Book.

Q-3- Which of the following is considered as the strongest base for ethical behavior ?

  1. Science
  2. Morality
  3. Spirituality
  4. Philosophy

Option-3 Spirituality provides the strongest base for ethical behavior.

Q-4- The concept of risk based maintenance is an advanced form of

  1. Risk Centered Maintenance
  2. Control Centered Maintenance
  3. Reliability Centered Maintenance
  4. Probability Centered Maintenance

Option-3 The concept of risk based maintenance is an advanced fom of Reliability Centered Maintenance.

Q-5- The Delphi technique is a method which involves getting opinion on a process

  1. From Regulator
  2. From an individual
  3. From a group of individuals
  4. None of above

Option-3 The Delphi technique is a method which involves getting opinion on a process from a group of individuals.

Q-6- Which of the following is NOT an internal risk ?

  1. Economic factors as price fluctuation, changes in consumer preferences, inflation etc.
  2. Technological factors unforseen changes in the techniques of production or distribution resulting into technological obsoloscence etc.
  3. Physical factors such as fire in the factory, damages to goods in transit etc.
  4. Human factors such as strikes and lock-outs by trade unions, negligence and dishonesty of an employee, accidents or deaths in the factory etc.

Option-1 Economic factors as price fluctuation, changes in consumer preferences, inflation not an internal risk.

Q-7- The term risk and uncertainity are often used in the corporate scenario. The management of uncertainity is

  1. A set of risks assigned to a set of uncertainities
  2. A set of uncertainities assigned to a set of risks
  3. A set of probabilities assigned to a set of possibilities
  4. A set of possibilities assigned to a set of pobabilities

Option-2 A set of probabilities assigned to a set of possibilities.

Q-8- Which is not a drawback of Scenario Analysis?

  1. Impossible losses might be considered
  2. Subjective in deciding how serious the risks are
  3. Assumes that the scenarios are equally probable
  4. Considers the correlation between the risk factors

Option-4 Considers the correlation between the risk factors.

Q-9- Which of the following helps to relabled characteristics of an event to the probability and severity of the operational losses?

  1. EWMA Model
  2. Statistical Analysis
  3. Monte Carlo Simulation
  4. Factor or Casual Analysis

Option-4 Factor or Casual Analysis helps to relabled characteristics of an event to the probability and severity of the operational losses.

Q-10- Risks which occur even with no changes in the economy are classified as

  1. Static risks
  2. Control risks
  3. Dynamic risks
  4. Speculative risks

Option-1 Risks which occur even with no changes in the economy are classified as ‘Static risks’.

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