Insurance Questions Daily-48

Q-11- Which of these losses or physical damages caused to the property insured by direct contact is not covered under the “Impact Damage” peril of Fire Insurance?

  1. Losses by any Rail vehicles
  2. Physical damages by any Road vehicles
  3. Losses or physical damages by any animals
  4. Losses or physical damages by any third party
  5. Losses or physical damages to Rail/Road vehicles or animals of the insured

Option-5 Losses or physical damages to Rail/ROad vehicles or animals of the insured

Q-12- Under which laws the premium investment guidelines for Insurer’s are clearly laid down In India ?

  1. GAAP Standards Risk
  2. IRDA (Investment) Regulations, 2001
  3. IRDA (Investment) Regulations, 2000
  4. Accounting Standards (AS) issued by the ICAI

Option-3 IRDA (Investment) Regulations, 2000

Q-13- Which type of Claims are related with the Outstanding Claims Reserve ?

  1. IBNR Claims
  2. Open Claims
  3. Paid-up Claims
  4. Claims under investigation
  5. Claims on written down business

Option-5 Claims on written down business

Q-14- In General Insurance accounting, the Catastrophe Reserves are to be compulsory created as prescribed by the IRDA and they are mainly for ___________.

  1. Natural Perils
  2. Group business
  3. Re-insurance business
  4. Accounting of Foreign operations

Option-3 Re-insurance business

Q-15- General Accounting must be in line with which of the following ?

  1. GAAP Standards Risk
  2. International Accounting Standards
  3. IRDA (Investment) Regulations, 2000
  4. Accounting Standards issued by the ICAI

Option-4 Accounting Standards issued by the ICAI

Q-16- In case of Insurance accounting of general insurance business, which of the below exception is true?

  1. Segment Reporting applies to all insurers
  2. Accounting for Investments is not applicable
  3. Cash Flow Statement to be prepared only under Direct Method
  4. All of the above

Option-4 All of the above

Q-17- As per IRDA (Investment) Regulations 2000, the insurance company can make an investment of __________ in Housing and Loans to State Government for housing and fire fighting equipments.

  1. Not more than 5%
  2. Not less than 30%
  3. Not less than 10%
  4. Not less than 5%

Option-4 Not less than 5%

Q-18- What is the other name for Triangulation method of projecting the claims pattern?

  1. Rate Ladder
  2. Chain Ladder
  3. Claims Ladder
  4. Triangle Ladder

Option-2 Chain Ladder

Q-19- On which strategy the Modern Portfolio Theory of investment of Premium by insurance companies is based upon ?

  1. Diversification
  2. Risk Modelling
  3. Risk Derivatives
  4. Financial Modelling

Option-1 Diversification

Q-20-Which are the guiding principles, followed by insurance companies globally, for drafting their investment strategies?

  1. GAAP Standards
  2. Modern Portfolio Theory
  3. Asset Liability Management
  4. Both 1 and 2
  5. Both 2 and 3

Option-5 Both 2 and 3

These Insurance GK questions are based on Risk Management and Practices followed in the industry. Awareness of Fire insurance and accounting practices followed in managing and maintaining various accounting standards.

Know more about General Insurance with Avendra Singh