Insurance Questions Daily-33

Q-11- Under Group insurance large scope of flexibility for coverage of specific needs of

  1. insurers only
  2. employers only
  3. employees only
  4. both employers and employees

Option-4 Under Group insurance large scope of flexibility for coverage of specific needs of both employers and employees.

Q-12- Group Gratuity Scheme is a combination of

  1. term assurance and group health
  2. term assurance and group pension
  3. term assurance and group accidental
  4. term assurance and pure endowment

Option-4 Group Gratuity Scheme is a combination of term assurance and pure endowment.

Q-13- An Actuary uses _______information for predict __________period.

  1. past, future
  2. past, present
  3. available, future
  4. available, present

Option-1 Actuaries uses past information and experiences for predict future periods.

Q-14- Employee Deposit Linked Insurance scheme(EDLI) was introduced w.e.f

  1. 1st August, 1975
  2. 1st August, 1976
  3. 15th August 1975
  4. 15th August 1976

Option-2 Employee Deposit Linked Insurance scheme(EDLI) was introduced w.e.f. 1st August,1976.

Q-15- What is the minimum amount on NPS subscriber is required to contribute at the time of account opening under tier-I account

  1. ₹250
  2. ₹500
  3. ₹1000
  4. ₹2000

Option-3 AA subscriber has to make minimum of ₹500 at the time of opening of Tier-I account under NPS.

Q-16- In which of the following arrangements does the employer mae regular payments, a percentage of salary into a pension fund, and the fund is used to buy a pendion when employee retires?

  1. Defined benefit scheme
  2. Employee stock Option plan
  3. Defined contribution scheme
  4. Voluntary retirement scheme

Option-3 In Defined contribution schemes th employer makes regular payments.

Q-17- which of the following statement is incorrect regarding Group Insurance

  1. the underwriting unit is the group of lives
  2. Evidence of health is essential in Group Insurance
  3. Group Insurance implies the contract covring a group of lives
  4. The premium ratesof a group Scheme are adjusted periodical

Option-3 There is no evienAll above are the examples of Insurable charges.

Q-18- For Group Term Insurance products with other than single premium payment products, the policy term shall not be less than

  1. 1 year
  2. 5 years
  3. 7 years
  4. 10 years

Option-2 For Group Term Insurance products with othr than single premium payment products, the policy term shall not be less than 5 years.

Q-19- Except for one year renewable group products, all single premium group term insurance products, the policy term shall not be less than

  1. 1 year
  2. 2 years
  3. 3 years
  4. 4 years

Option-2 Except for one year renewable group products, all single premium group term insurance products, the policy term shall not be less than 2 years.

Q-20- Except for Single premium payment products, the premium paying term for all long term group products shall not be less than

  1. 1 year
  2. 5 years
  3. 7 years
  4. 10 years

Option-2 Except for Single premium payment products, the premium paying term for all long term group products shall not be less than 5 years.

These Insurance GK questions are based on Group insurance, actuary function under different policies in form of Insurance quiz and answers.

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