Super 30 GK Questions on Marine Insurance

Q-11- Are losses covered to cargo due to change in Claimatic condition during journey?

  1. No, Losses due to change in Claimate condition is an exclusion
  2. Yes,but for cover a seperate endorsement is required
  3. depend on Insurance company
  4. Can not say

Option-1 Losses due to change in Claimate condition is an exclusion under Marine Policy.

Q-12- Can number of days cover change under ‘Conceal damage clause’?

  1. It all depend on surveyor to cover it under claim or reject
  2. Yes, It can change after consent of Insurer
  3. No, Its standard 30 days as marine policy
  4. Can not say

Option-2 Number of days cover can be change under Conceal Damage Clause after discussion and endorse under Marine policy at the time of policy inception.

Q-13- Which one of the following differentiates the salvage charge from the sue and labour charge?

  1. cost incurred short of destination to complete the voyage
  2. cost of food expenses for crew members
  3. expenses for extra food,needs on board
  4. independent of any contract

Option-4 Independent of any contract

Q-14- __________ marine cargo policy is not assignable?

  1. certificate issued made open policy
  2. certificate issued under open cover
  3. marine cargo specific policy
  4. annual policy

Option-4 Annual Marine cargo policies are not assignable

Q-15- Is survey mandatory under Marine Cargo claims?

  1. Yes, for every claim Insurer appointed surveyor report is mandatory
  2. No, Survey can be waive off upto certain limit
  3. It is waived off witin Indian boundaries
  4. Can not say

Option-2 By incorporating ‘No survey clause’, survey can be waive off or self survey only required by the Insured.

Q-16- In case of Import/Export transit claim the proof of shipment is?

  1. Bill of lading
  2. Bill of Treasury
  3. Bill of Exchange
  4. None of the above

Option-1 Bill of lading is a mandatory document for claim under marine policy involving overseas import/export.

Q-17- ‘Own Sheet & Ropes clause’ is under__________?

  1. Machine Policy
  2. Marine policy
  3. Motor policy
  4. Fire policy

Option-2 Under ‘Own Sheet & Ropes clause’ underwriters agree to indemnify the Assured for loss or damage to sheets ropes toggles and the like, the property of the assured.

Q-18- ‘Pair & Set clause’ is under__________?

  1. Property Policy
  2. Marine policy
  3. Motor policy
  4. both 1&2 above

Option-4 pair & set clause can be use under both property policy like IAR and under Marine policy too.

Q-19- In which of the following the loss assessed are not ratably reduced in the proportion of sum insured bears to the value at risk?

  1. Total Loss
  2. Partial Loss
  3. Particular average
  4. Sue and Labour Charges

Option-4 Sue and Labour charges

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