Q-11- DGCA announced country’s first civil aviation rquirements(CAR) for drones on
- August 23, 2018
- August 27, 2018
- August 29, 2018
- August 31, 2018
Option-2 DGCA announced first CAR on August 27,2018 to go into effect december 01.2018
Q-12- ‘Digital Sky‘ is a plateform for
- online registration for flying permission
- apply for buying new drone directly from DGCA
- learning and managing different type of drones
- None of above
Option-1 ‘Digital Sky’ is plateform for online registration for flying permission.
Q-13- Drones use in Insurance EXCEPT
- Boiler Inspections
- Roof Damages inspections
- Post Disaster Claims Inspections
- Under water inspections for mineral exploration
Option-4 All are true except option-4.
Q-14- Which is true statements from below
- Small drones are between 2 kg. and 25 kg.
- Medium drones are between 25 kg. and 150 kg.
- Large drones are above 150 kg.
- All are truth
Option-4 All above are true statements for different Drones categories.
Q-15- The Third party(TP) compensation in Motor vehilce act for ‘Hit and Run’ cases is
- 1,00,000/- for death
- 1,50,000/- for death
- 2,00,000/- for death
- 2,50,000/- for death
Option-3 Under Motor Vehicle Act Death liability is INR 2,00,000/- in Hit and Runs cases.
Q-16- Types of available commercial Drone insurance are
- Annual Drone Insurance
- Pay-as-you-fly Insurance
- Third Party Liability only
- All above
Option-4 All above are true.
Q-17- The Drone will be considered to be a constructive total loss if the cost of repair of the Drone exceeds ________ of the Sum Insured of the Drone.
- 60%
- 70%
- 75%
- 80%
Q-18- The first commercial used of Drones in 2014 by Pizza delivey named
- Pizzeria
- Dominos
- Pizza Hut
- Burger King
Option-1 Mumbai based ‘Pizzeria’ started use of Drones in 2014 to delivery to is customers.
Q-19- Drone Journalism is
- Data gathering, Live streaming of news articles
- Exclusive news presentation on Drones
- News coverage by robots journalist
- none of above
Option-1 Option-1